
Showing posts from November, 2017

Update on our Elder!

Hi there everybody! This is Holly. The favorite sister, probably. I will be helping Mom keep up with the blog. We will be posting Elder Sommerville's letters and pictures that he sends right here! Feel free to have a look. Have a browse. Make your comments. Send your love. We want it all! Just a quick update. On Monday, December 4, Elder Sommerville will be headed to the mission home in Farmington, NM. If you want to mail him anything there, do it now! He will only be there for a couple of days and with the holidays packages may be delayed. Though i'm sure they will still get it to him. Mail to: Elder Spencer Nathaniel Sommerville New Mexico Farmington Mission 400 W. Apache St. Farmington, NM 87401 I will add an updated address once we know where he will be. If you are not on his email list and you would like to be you can go ahead and email him or comment your email address below and I will be sure he gets it. I do know that he would LA-LA-LOVE to hear from ever

So Fast!

Not a huge amount of new things have happened so i'm just going start. So first thing is Elder Stradling went home today which is really sad. I suppose he has been having some family issues, so we have all been praying for him. After that, on Tuesday  i went back to the dorms with a massive migraine, nothing I havent had before. Oh, and on top of that my ankle is fine but i've been sick since Monday so I've barely seen the outside of my room. today I'm better but I still have a sinus headache. My voice is all but gone, which is fine considering it hurts my throat to speak, but other than that, I think i'm doing alright. I miss all of you, a lot. I wish you could all visit me or vice versa but i know its not how it works. and for everyone that has sent me pics thank you it makes me so happy to see you, even just in a photograph. I've been singing all day every day and i'm sure my companion appreciates it ton, but to be fair I told him how bad I am at singing

Provo Temple

Well my email time is over. In case I haven’t said it yet, I miss you all tons. I’ll email you all next Thursday  and I can’t wait to hear from you all. Please don’t hesitate to email me at any time. It’s not a distraction, it actually helps me through the day and week. I love you all, and here are some pics from me going to the Provo temple today.  The guys were modeling haha.  Oh and two sisters wanted us to take their pics and then asked to take a selfie when handing me my iPad haha  The sun was really really bright. So..


Nov. 24, 2017 My companion elder Howlett, from Anchorage Alaska. Sister Reid from Farmington, New Mexico! She isn’t in my district or zone but we just got to talking and she said she was from where I was going so that’s awesome haha.  These are the elders and sisters we always play basketball with, ignore me in the corner.  The view from our class room. These are the elders and sisters I met on the plane. They were all going home and I was the only one going out. They were all so nice and didn’t much care for the no hugs rule at this point  So this is my whole district, it’s cool we all get along, and Elder Anderson is super easy to lift.   so ill say who everyone is based on the last picture going from left to right, Elder Rouché’ from Farmington, Utah; Elder Lee(he is actually pretty young)  from Syracuse, Utah; Elder Marble from Tennessee; elder, well that’s me. Awkward. Uhhh; elder Anderson up top, he loves Hamilton almost as much as I do and I forget wher

I've been here how long?!

Nov. 24, 2017 Hey everyone! Oh wow, this has been well, different, Really fun, and really hard. So full disclosure for those of you that didn’t know for about 2 months before I got out here I did not want to come. But I told everyone I would and wanted to make mom proud so I kept working towards it. All the way up to getting off the plane, and getting in the MTC being completely separated from family I did not want to be here. And the first day we all went in to this large room together and sang called to serve and I finally thought, wow. I’m so glad I’m here. I’ve been having a blast, me and my companion I think for the most part get a long well, except I’ve learned he is a really good story teller (and the stories are always different) and he likes to talk down to me (even though he is about 6 in shorter than me) and “be the boss” but for the most part I think I’ve helped him realize he isn’t the boss, but we are a team. And we get along pretty well, I’d say in that skit we did(hol

I'm at the MTC!!!

Nov. 15, 2017 Hey everyone! okay, what a trip. I am officially at the MTC with Elder Howlett as my first companion and he is from Anchorage Alaska! I don't know him well yet but he seems like a good guy. I'm not entirely sure it has hit me yet that I am at the MTC but i'm sure with time it will. I'm eager to serve and ready to sleep. There's been a lot of driving the last two days but I've had a blast with Brittany and Jordan yesterday.  I want to thank everyone so much for supporting me and helping me in whatever ways you did. I've had doubts and cold feet but being here now, I know that this is where I need to be. I have to get going but I will definitely have a lot more, and likely longer, emails to come! With Pictures! Love,        Elder Sommerville

Spencer leaves for the MTC

``Well Elder Spencer Sommerville  left the Sacramento Airport on Tuesday the 14th of Nov 2017. He flew out to Salt Lake to be with his Sister Brittany and her Husband (his companion until Wed afternoon) Jordan Welch. They were able to spend time with Spencer's grandmother Cathye Sommerville. He was amazed at how much he looks like his grandpa Don. I assured to him that with my dad , Merlin Fisher and Grandpa Don, Neldon Sommerville watching over hin on his mission, the people in his mission didn't stand a chance. Brittany said that Spencer seemed a bit nervous, cold feet, somewhat queezy... and yet the picture I received of Elder Sommerville with his Escort from the MTC says it all. He has a smile from EAR TO EAR and he looks as if all of the nerves are gone and he is EXACTLY what he needed to be doing.