So Fast!

Not a huge amount of new things have happened so i'm just going start. So first thing is Elder Stradling went home today which is really sad. I suppose he has been having some family issues, so we have all been praying for him. After that, on Tuesday i went back to the dorms with a massive migraine, nothing I havent had before. Oh, and on top of that my ankle is fine but i've been sick since Monday so I've barely seen the outside of my room. today I'm better but I still have a sinus headache. My voice is all but gone, which is fine considering it hurts my throat to speak, but other than that, I think i'm doing alright. I miss all of you, a lot. I wish you could all visit me or vice versa but i know its not how it works. and for everyone that has sent me pics thank you it makes me so happy to see you, even just in a photograph. I've been singing all day every day and i'm sure my companion appreciates it ton, but to be fair I told him how bad I am at singing and how much I love to sing first day. Anyways, the night i went back with a migraine and took 2.5 hours to fall asleep apparently the halls were crazy. our branch president came and was roasting everyone, he challenged everyone to do a pull up and touch their hands with their feet. called them out one by one, with my companion being"chunky" and Elder Anderson being called out for being short he only had feet and hands and no core so it was too easy for him. then after all this brother Chandler(branch president's 1st counselor), keep in mind he's about 70 and has one broken foot, hops up and knocks out three of these pull ups easy. Then after he left, my room mates put a couch in our room and blew up a diet coke bottle with mentos in the shower. All with yelling and screaming as I slept like a baby. We've determined that out of our entire District I am the arm wrestling champ unless I'm against 2 or 3 other people at once. so uhh not to pat myself on the back or anything but uhh, *pat pat*. 

Other than that not much I guess. I didn't take many pictures, I figured my room isnt that cool. Oh! But we leave monday! it's crazy! I just got here and we are leaving already?! I'm pretty excited but ima miss the MTC. The other district in our zone is super cool and im gonna miss them too. It's bitter sweet I suppose. Anyways, I want to leave off by saying, PLEASE EMAIL ME MORE EVERYONE! Oh my goodness I miss you all and want to hear from all of you so much. its only two weeks in and im dying so please send more emails and/or letters! 

With Love,
       Elder Sommerville

Ps. In the MTC my p-days have been on thursdays. And in the field they will (I believe) be on mondays. However, I leave the MTC next monday. So, I’m not sure when I’ll be able to email back next after today. But please keep sending emails and pics because I miss you all so much and honestly it helps more than you all know. 


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