20:..... SOOOOOOO.... Interesting News

So Quick story, Monday morning I'm at a member's home and President Adams calls me, asks if we can meet at 1:00 or noon. I say 1:00 because I am planning on emailing at noon. So I did, I emailed you all about the ER and stuff. After I go to meet with President Adams and he Hands me my Itinerary and says I'm going home because I need to take care of my health and they just can't help me enough in the field. So, I'm home now! I'm also very conflicted, I am happy to be home and see friends and family. However, I'm sad because I miss the mission and every one in it. Yet, I know that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me and there is a reason other than just sickness for me to be here and learn something or help someone. Or Both. I know President and Sister Adams did everything they could to help me and they truly loved me enough and cared for me enough to do what Heavenly Father has told them I need. I love and appreciate them and everyone in my mission so much. It is hard but I know as I press forward with mine eye single to His glory and atonement I can truly become closer to Him, The Son, and The Holy Ghost. I will strive to continue always to press forward as a true disciple of Jesus Christ honoring Him, my mission, my family, and myself in my every action here-forth. I pray that each of you can have the spirit with you always and grow closer to our Father in Heaven. So, until further notice, you can all reach me at either Spencersommerville@yahoo.com or even better my facebook which is Spencer Sommerville! Please contact me as soon as possible, I'd love to speak to each of you and I miss you all! I hope to always live worthy of your trust and to do what my Lord wishes me to do, whatever that may be.

With love, 

(Elder)    Spencer Sommerville

(,moms note.... Spencer is an AMAZING man and has grown so much Spiritually and Mentally.
He still is talking about getting better and serving the Lord wherever and whenever he is needed. If it be here... okay... but part of him is still hoping to return to his home... The Farmington New Mexico Mission.... )


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