
Showing posts from April, 2018

20:..... SOOOOOOO.... Interesting News

So Quick story,  Monday  morning I'm at a member's home and President Adams calls me, asks if we can meet at  1:00  or  noon . I say  1:00  because I am planning on emailing at  noon . So I did, I emailed you all about the ER and stuff. After I go to meet with President Adams and he Hands me my Itinerary and says I'm going home because I need to take care of my health and they just can't help me enough in the field. So, I'm home now! I'm also very conflicted, I am happy to be home and see friends and family. However, I'm sad because I miss the mission and every one in it. Yet, I know that my Heavenly Father has a plan for me and there is a reason other than just sickness for me to be here and learn something or help someone. Or Both. I know President and Sister Adams did everything they could to help me and they truly loved me enough and cared for me enough to do what Heavenly Father has told them I need. I love and appreciate them and everyone in my mission

19: Transfer News and the ER

So, we got Transfer news this last saturday and I'm going to Shiprock! First area on the Reservation! I'm excited to see the difference from city life haha I'll send my mailing address when I get there for anyone just itching to send a letter! Also, this last week my stomach pain(I know, it's still here?!) increased a lot and I ended up in the ER from about  4:00 to 6:30 ! It was horrible. They hooked me up to a bunch of stuff, took an X-ray of my chest and found nothing. However, they did give me a solution(tasted horrible) of a bunch of numbing medicine used for like surgeries. And it actually helped my stomach not hurt to bad, and it didn't hurt to breathe! Stomach pain came back after a while, still didn't get much sleep but hey. I can breathe with out feeling like someone is stabbing my chest! In other news, Jeremy (an investigator whose fellowshipper is President Adams!) Is getting Baptized  this saturday ! We are so excited, sad I won't be the
 at the Swenks....  LOVE THEM!!!

18a: Breakfast, Batman & our work space

  Breakfast of champions and our work-space. No idea what that look on his face is.... Batman is our Undercover investigator while we are doing role plays. He LOVES St. Patty's day!

18: A Spiritual High

We have worked so much this week, taking over a new area is hard but so rewarding I love it! I am exhausted but on a Spiritual High! I miss Gallup still but love this area so much! I am super excited for what's to come, an investigator we were going to go on a hike with today twisted his ankle bad so that canceled but we hope he is better. We have met some more ward families and love them, I sorta tricked elder Crawford to have to sing in the primary yesterday it was great! haha. For those that have written me I am so sorry for not responding yet, I have been so busy! But I will try to get back to you soon!

17b: etc

My Farmington Companionship: Elder Crawford (left) Elder Kay (center) He has gone home now. Elder Sommerville (right) The Hansen's from Gallup. Awesome Family.... hope they haven't forgotten me already

17a: Me and Elder Johnson before I left Gallup



Remember CPR keeps our bodies ALIVE and SPIRITUAL! CPR (= CHURCH-PRAY-READ) Keeps our spirits alive.

17: White Washing Farmington

Yikes, taking over an area is difficult. But exciting all at once. Elder Crawford is really helping a lot and is an amazing Example. This ward is very excited about having new elders for a fresh start and we are excited to help as much as We can. not much happened, Except Elder Crawford had an Echoing fart in this little canyon a part-member family lives in. me and Brother Sidelecki (investigator) were laughing so hard. he thought he was far enough away no one would hear. but to the contrary. anyways pics up next!