Super Bowl Sunday & a sprained elbow! 2/5/18

So! First off last P-day after emailing I sprained my Elbow playing football, happy it isn't a break. Secondly I found a Billiard parlor with no beer or drugs allowed so I'll be playing pool every Monday now. Third  Just keeping busy and sadly had to take Jay off date but otherwise things are going great Keisha is progressing extremely well. Actually stayed the whole sacrament yesterday! And last but not least, We watched the Superbowl with our bishopric yesterday which great! ha ha couldn't shoot of course but looked at a member's guns which were super amazing ha ha. And we got some cake yesterday too. Other than that not too much, I know I suck at pics, I'll work on it. its hard remembering to take pics when your busy working. (or watching football...) Anyways, finally have some antibiotics that kinda help with some parts of me being sick and my arm is already feeling better thanks to the medicine the doctor gave me. It's crazy to think, as of the 15th, I'll have been on my mission (not in the field but on my mission) for 3 months already... what the heck?! I thought I left yesterday? ha ha I love the work and the people though!


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