January 29, 2018

Hey everyone! Have I mentioned I miss you? oh, well just in case, I MISS YOU! How is everything at home going? Also, I am still sick but also still having a blast. Been able to do a lot of progress and meet with a lot of people. Sadly one of our investigators is doing everything but coming to church so we may have to move her baptismal date back. I'm super tired and busy but love every minute of it. We have grown very close with this ward and this town. Yesterday we had a kinda movie night with the ward missionaries, less-active members and bishop tanner. We watched meet the mormons and it was great! Good food and great people, all thanks to Sister Riley opening her house to people. I don't know much else to say, Just keep us in your hearts and prayers so we can help serve those in this area. If you all want to send some letters as well, I'll allow it haha. 
        With love, Elder Sommerville

oh yeah.... I almost forgot!
We saw and went into an investigators bunker in Fort Wingate! it was 20 feet below the ground and was hooked up to the power lines, and water. Also had it's own supply of energy and water. And Elder Kelly took the pics so I'll send them next week. But it was amazing haha


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