
Showing posts from February, 2018

Time Seems To Fly....

I'm conflicted because I feel as if I just got here. Yet, I feel like I've been gone for so long! I really hope you're all doing well. I pray for all of you each night. I miss you a lot. Jay has been taking off date, Keisha isn't showing hardly any interest at all. A less active we were teaching named Dany Husky passed away, which was really hard. I feel its inevitable that me and my companion are getting transferred apart next transfer which is  in 2 weeks . A wonderful member yesterday came up to us and told us that she will only try to go to church sundays now but wouldn't say why. Oh, and Jay also has stopped responding to us as wwell as Christina and Everson. They were our most promising investigators too. When they said a mission was hard they weren't kidding. In other news, we got a truck! It's a Nissan, but still better than a Jeep haha. It Finally snowed again! like 3 inches, most has melted away already but I think sister spears    said

Recent pictures from Elder Sommerville

I saw this first picture of my Elder and I couldn't figure out why he was wearing a cape. Thats when I received the info that he was having xrays done of his elbow...  that is when the cape became apparent. then I heard that it was just sprained and not broken, Any prayers in Elder Sommerville's behalf (and Elder Johnson) would be greatly appreciated. Elder Sommerville has been sick and is really worried about not reaching the right people in the mission,  Plus as a mother I want nothing more than for her Missionary son to be happy and productive. Thank you so very much. Love Mom

Lawrence Riley's Baptism 01/20/2018

Note from mom here... I can't find much from Elder Sommerville but I found this note I sent to him and a picture of Elder Johnson, Elder Sommerville, Bishop and Lawrence Riley. Spencer..... How exciting that you got to help teach this young man the gospel and prepare him for baptism.  I wish I had ever taken the missionary lessons. The sisters were working with me and I was making progress and then they got transferred. ..... Here is one of the pictures from the baptism that Sister Riley posted, I love you up to the stars and back again, Now always and forever, Mom

Super Bowl Sunday & a sprained elbow! 2/5/18

So! First off last P-day after emailing I sprained my Elbow playing football, happy it isn't a break. Secondly I found a Billiard parlor with no beer or drugs allowed so I'll be playing pool every Monday now. Third  Just keeping busy and sadly had to take Jay off date but otherwise things are going great Keisha is progressing extremely well. Actually stayed the whole sacrament yesterday! And last but not least, We watched the Superbowl with our bishopric yesterday which great! ha ha couldn't shoot of course but looked at a member's guns which were super amazing ha ha. And we got some cake yesterday too. Other than that not too much, I know I suck at pics, I'll work on it. its hard remembering to take pics when your busy working. (or watching football...) Anyways, finally have some antibiotics that kinda help with some parts of me being sick and my arm is already feeling better thanks to the medicine the doctor gave me. It's crazy to think, as of the 15th, I'

January 29, 2018

Hey everyone! Have I mentioned I miss you? oh, well just in case, I MISS YOU! How is everything at home going? Also, I am still sick but also still having a blast. Been able to do a lot of progress and meet with a lot of people. Sadly one of our investigators is doing everything but coming to church so we may have to move her baptismal date back. I'm super tired and busy but love every minute of it. We have grown very close with this ward and this town. Yesterday we had a kinda movie night with the ward missionaries, less-active members and bishop tanner. We watched meet the mormons and it was great! Good food and great people, all thanks to Sister Riley opening her house to people. I don't know much else to say, Just keep us in your hearts and prayers so we can help serve those in this area. If you all want to send some letters as well, I'll allow it haha.          With love, Elder Sommerville oh yeah.... I almost forgot! We saw and went into an investigators bunker i