Hardest Day.. yet BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!

(this email came on 1/1/2018 and I cried until today - Julie (mom))

So this week we did a lot of service, my hardest day was when we went to lupton and visited a family that just had two brothers die in a car accident, we walked in and people were balling their eyes out, this was two weeks later that we visited them and I had a knot in my stomach right away. we sat and talked to them, they were already members and the mother kept asking if they were going to be okay in heaven and we explained everything we could. It was so hard to know what to say. Towards the end we were getting ready to leave and I felt impressed to ask if anyone wanted a blessing. We gave everyone there a blessing, 6 kids, two parents, and two cousins. The dark room soon became bright and the crying slowly came to a stop and as we leaved they smiled at us and the father who was inactive asked for a Book of Mormon so I gave him my pocket one that has a bunch of scriptures marked in it and showed him my favorite scripture as we left 1Nephi 20:10. I've never felt the spirit so strongly as then when the holy ghost was prompting us what to say in these blessings, Profound comments with words I didn't even know were in my vocabulary came from somewhere else other than my mind, and as my body spoke I stood back in awe, at the power of the spirit. our drive home was quiet, me and my companion felt spiritually drained, happy to help, but wanting to do so much more even though we could not. It was with out a doubt the hardest day of my mission so far but the best of my life. 

After that the week went back to normal, happy, energetic, powerful, we taught, we served and I can't wait to do more. 

Send letters please! I can keep those with me at all times and read whenever i feel down!! I will always write back as soon as possible as well. I hope to hear from you soon, 

You can send your letters... and such to:
Elder Spencer N. Sommerville
447 Dee Ann Ave.
Gallup, NM 87301

I love you, I miss you, I'm so happy I decided to come on a mission. 

with love, Elder Sommerville


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