
Showing posts from January, 2018

A note from Mom...

Elder Spencer Sommerville could REALLY use some mail.... email care packages cards or regular mail He is beginning to think that we have forgotten about him..... So PLEASE... remember him in prayers and letters. email address: regular mailing address: Elder Spencer N. Sommerville 447 Dee Ann Ave. Galup, NM 87301 THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!

WEEK 6...... ALREADY!!!

SO... Transfers....We are both staying!!! However, me and elder Johnson are the only companionship that stayed the same in our entire zone haha. This week has been super busy, but amazing. No crazy stories, jay is ready for baptism except she still isn't going to church.. in fact.  every single less active and investigator said they would come to church this Sunday and no one showed. It's hard because they say sorry to us but don't realize it's for them. and i keep getting my hopes up and getting crushed... But that's okay. well, I miss you all. I'd love to hear from you, get letters and see pics. I hope you're all doing great. I miss you. pics in next email. love, Elder Sommerville Elder Spencer N. Sommerville 447 Dee Ann Ave. Galup, NM 87301

January 11th

So, this saturday is transfer news and I don't want to be transferred! I love it here in Gallup, and I love my companion! I don't have many pics, haven't been in the picture taking spirit. Also, sorry for not emailing this monday, I had an unexpected Doctor's visit in Farmington. I've been a little under the weather and everything is getting worked out i'm certain. Hopefully soon because It is not fun feeling exhausted and in pain at all times. I miss each of you so much! I do love whenever I am able to hear from you. As for those who sent or are going to send;) letters, I will respond as soon as I can. It seems like tons of missionaries in this mission are getting really sick lately. I hope mine doesn't last. The other Elder's around here are staying healthy and that's all that matters haha. Pics in the next email, write and email soon please. And wish me luck with transfers!    With Love,         Elder Sommerville Elder Spencer N. Sommervil


Sorry... but these pictures will be worth it.... these views are spectacular!!! These views are (and I quote) MAJESTIC AS HECK

a Few Pictures from Missionary Life in Gallup

Okay Okay I Promise I will try to take more pictures later.... Elder Johnson and I doing our best to match (forgot our matching tie clips...) Found this sweet hat at the flea market 'BALLIN NATIVE STYLE' sweet shirt... LOVIN the outfit! don't worry- the house is clean now!!

Hardest Day.. yet BEST DAY OF MY LIFE!

(this email came on 1/1/2018 and I cried until today - Julie (mom)) So this week we did a lot of service, my hardest day was when we went to lupton and visited a family that just had two brothers die in a car accident, we walked in and people were balling their eyes out, this was  two weeks later  that we visited them and I had a knot in my stomach right away. we sat and talked to them, they were already members and the mother kept asking if they were going to be okay in heaven and we explained everything we could. It was so hard to know what to say. Towards the end we were getting ready to leave and I felt impressed to ask if anyone wanted a blessing. We gave everyone there a blessing, 6 kids, two parents, and two cousins. The dark room soon became bright and the crying slowly came to a stop and as we leaved they smiled at us and the father who was inactive asked for a Book of Mormon so I gave him my pocket one that has a bunch of scriptures marked in it and showed him my favorite