
Showing posts from March, 2018

16a: SORRY!

so this cord isn't working so I can't send pcs this week, SORRY!!! (message from mom.... send new cord to Elder Sommerville TODAY!!)


Mailing address: Elder Spencer Nathaniel Sommerville 400 W. Apache St. Farmington, NM 87401        (aka the mission home!) This is a great ward, I miss Gallup extremely but I know Farmington 4th can and will bring great things! It is now Elder Crawford and I because Elder Kay has returned home for medical issues, He will do great there and I know he will continue to serve our lord in his life! Not too much has happened, It can be hard when you are "white washing" an area, meaning two new elders that haven't been in the area before haha I haven't taken many pics this week but I think I have a couple from last week coming.  Love you all and miss you more! With love,      Elder Sommerville

15b: PICS! (from mom... how cool is that TIE!!!)

​sister riley again haha ​Brother Gonzalez, one of the most amazing people I've ever met. ​bro wadlington, more pics next week I gtg

15a: PICS!!

​the chee family, as soon as we took the picture they all went on their tip toes XD ​Valery begay, her 2 kids and jeremy and their baby haha. They are an amazing family I will miss dearly. ​so we had a monthly get together, I promise lawrence loves me he was just being stingy about the pic haha ​Pat and her daughter Kesha, kesha is an amazing investigator and pat is a wonderful member, I'm going to miss them so much.! ​sister Nicholson(left) and Sister riley(right) I didn't know which camera to look at XD


I am sadly leaving the wonderful city of Gallup NM, and going up to Farmington NM. I am sure Farmington will be great. But I know I will severely miss Gallup 1st ward. So many wonderful families and people in this town. I'm going to miss everyone so much. I will let you all know my mailing address next week because I don't have it yet. So, this has been an interesting week. Someone who seemed like a kind promising investigator flipped the script when we came back for a lesson, cussed us out, slammed the door and threw the Book of Mormon we gave him at us. It was sad and shook me and elder Johnson. We hope he is okay and that he forgives us for whatever we may have done. the Chuska mountain elders got threatened by a couple people so they came to Gallup and we had a sleepover haha. Also, Winter is finally here haha yet, most the snow is beginning to melt away now. And, I finally brought the camera for pictures!!!! so pics in next email! Love, Elder Sommerville

14: YIKES! I don't have alot of time!

I miss you all. I know this email sucks this time. I forgot my camera, again. But please email and write. also I get transfer news Saturday so let's see how it goes. This week was amazing. been tired but have 5 new investigators this week and Jay and her boyfriend are now truly investigating. Other than that not too much different. please write and email  back. I miss you all! Love, Elder Sommerville